English / ქართული / русский /
Anna ChechelDenis Tarasenko


In this article, the role of the social component of sustainable development in the local environmental policy in the context of the implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine is defined. The justified necessity of ecologic payments to the population, who are living on environment polluted and urbanized territories is substantiated. A generalized model for the formation of environmental taxes and payments is presented, where a special place in the ecologic budget of the united territorial community is occupied by ecological payments to the population.

The development of state mechanisms for the creation of environmental investment funds and the regulation of environmental payments to the population has long been in an incomplete stage. In current programs of social and economic development, environmental issues are of secondary importance after the implementation of industrial development plans and GDP growth.  But the conditions for the quality of life of current and future generations are formed precisely today. This demonstrates the need to adjust existing and develop new strategic plans for sustainable development of industrial regions in the context of the solution environmental problems.

Thus, it is expedient to create an appropriate unit for sustainable development of the territorial community in the structure of local executive authorities. Its competence should include issues of social development and social protection of the population within the framework of the current legislation of social protection and social services for the population and environmental protection.  In its mandate, this unit should determine the priorities for the formation of conditions for sustainable social development of the corresponding community, using ecological, socio-demographic, ecological and economic indicators of the development of the territory.

Key words: local environmental policy, united territorial communities, sustainable development, ecological taxes and payments.